How much resentment are you clinging to? I recently had a conversation with a colleague about co-creating my parents’ final chapters. We shared similar experiences of repeated socialized trauma. I spoke on actively working to forgive the very people who...
How judgmental are you? Aloof, moody, mysterious, bad ass. Cats used to be my pet of preference. When my ex suggested we adopt a dog, I resistantly agreed. And when he and his daughter would laugh hysterically at Harvest’s silly antics, I would find myself judging:...
Growing up is required to enter into adulthood, so they say. It’s needed to be a fully functional, well versed, useful, educated and purposeful member of society. One who fulfills your civic and communal services. The training was clear: rules, protocols, parameters,...
Last week I came down with the “creeping crud.” The stressors of traveling back and forth across the ocean to support my parents with the initial stages of moving into a medicalized nursing facility took a toll on my health. I’ve been reflecting...
There’s a parable by Osho 3 Chinese mystics who did nothing but laugh. Everywhere they went they played tricks and brought peals of laughter to everyone the met no matter the circumstance. One day, one of them died. Everyone thought it best to weep. But the two...
Vulnerable. Merriam-Webster definition: (adjective) 1. Capable of being physically or emotionally wounded ; 2. Open to attack or damage. Derived from the Latin vulnus, meaning wound. The above sentiment is what most seem to equate with the word - and, because of the...
Where are you from? Whether on an interview, at a party or out on a date, eventually the invitation to share this story emerges. Our origin, our place, our roots. How do we locate ourselves in this ever changing world? Knowing where we came from provides a basic sense...
My life relationship with my family could be defined as “spotty” at best. An ocean between us made it a relatively easy task to ignore our history, pretend they didn’t exist, carry on with my relationships without concern. Except not. Whatever is left unresolved with...
Is this even a question for you? It is for me. Almost two decades ago I decided that when it was my time to shuffle off this mortal coil I would take no baggage with me. The trauma from my formative years, coupled with added trauma created from the relationships I’d...
Living on the Edge
As we drove home from our second date together, I remember thinking, “I really want to kiss this guy…” We had spent the afternoon together paddling in his canoe and he brought a picnic for us to enjoy afterward. We connected deeply on that early summer day. As we...