518-727-5458 [email protected]
From Ghost to Ancestor

From Ghost to Ancestor

✨ “We are ghosts or we are ancestors in our children’s lives. We either lay our mistakes and our burdens upon them, and we haunt them as ghosts. Or, we assist them in laying those old burdens down, and we free them from the chains of our own flawed behavior, and as...
The Paradox of Attraction

The Paradox of Attraction

In the dance of relationships, there’s a phenomenon that often unfolds like a complex puzzle of intentions and perceptions. Picture this: you believe you are broadcasting a readiness, an “open for connection” energy.  Meanwhile your...
Looking beyond Me and You in Relationship (part 2)

Looking beyond Me and You in Relationship (part 2)

“You can use the relationships in which you find yourself as crucibles for your own change and transformation, and as sources of support and deep healing. Because love does heal us; love transforms – if we are willing to move past our own egos and show up for the...
Looking beyond Me and You in Relationship (part 1)

Looking beyond Me and You in Relationship (part 1)

✨ “…the price we pay as a society for our toxic individualism and patriarchy is our permanent estrangement from one another.” ~ Bruce Springsteen ✨In my work and personal life, I see relationships as a meeting of two entities which go on to create a third entity – the...
The Art of Leading Through Struggles

The Art of Leading Through Struggles

I’ve experienced 4 significant family deaths in the last 10 months.  Both parents.  Both aunts. What’s one to do as a Leader, when hit by wave after wave of adversity? Whether handling attrition, lost income, high interest rates, talent...