by Joelle | Jan 2, 2022 | Blog
“Love is my decision. It’s up to me to give of my heart. Love is my decision. No one else can tell me to start. And once I decide to change my mind, God will show me how. Love is my decision, My decision, right here and now.”Daniel Nahmod As I...
by Joelle | Nov 15, 2021 | Blog
Once John (not his real name) found his match, he gave up working on himself. It showed up in forgetting to send in his prep form, texting last minute to cancel our calls and, altogether, giving off the vibe that the coaching process had lost its usefulness. In the...
by Joelle | Nov 12, 2021 | Blog
Julie (not her real name) had just discovered the man she’d been dating had a double life when she sought me for relationship support. He was seeing another woman simultaneously. This was not the first time Julie had found herself sucking on the fuzzy end of the...
by Joelle | Oct 25, 2021 | Blog
When Margaret found the lid to her pot, she had consciously put her relationship seeking on hold. Instead, she focused her attention into what made her happy, brought her pleasure, fed her. She was attending a charity event with a girlfriend when she met him. His...
by Joelle | Oct 19, 2021 | Blog
“You’ll never find another who loves you as much as I do!” I screamed as he walked away. This was me, 13 years ago, desperately clinging onto the vestiges of my rapidly dissolving relationship. Although I’m not proud of that moment it was a landmark event that...
by Joelle | Oct 13, 2021 | Blog
Love is addicting. You know, the butterflies, the sense of floating on air, everything looking just a little brighter… This is the part of Love that gets us hooked into the chasing after, all caution to the wind, the “happily ever after.” (Cue...
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