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Love is your decision in 2022

“Love is my decision. It’s up to me to give of my heart. Love is my decision. No one else can tell me to start. And once I decide to change my mind, God will show me how. Love is my decision, My decision, right here and now.”

Daniel Nahmod

As I contemplate stepping into 2022, I feel the need to consciously prepare for the year ahead.

My parents have agreed to move into assisted living as they are no longer able to care for themselves.   As if the practical tasks of sorting, disseminating, donating, and of putting their home in France up for sale were not enough – meaning I will need to move there for a while to support in the transition…

Doing so in collaboration with my siblings takes this gargantuan task to new heights. 

The last few weeks have had a level of acute intensity while navigating the familiar (and forgotten) terrain of internal family systems, mental illness and deep trauma which has, at times, been extremely disorienting.

I’ve had to call on all my strengths, training, teachings, practices and community to support me in simultaneously staying true to myself while engaging with them.  And a new level of Mastery and leadership will be asked of me as I dive fully into this process.

The question I’ll need to hold each step of the way:

Is Love your decision here?

How you do family is how you do all relationships: with spouses, children, colleagues, money, careers and more.

Thinking family is separate and unrelated to the way you engage in your other relationships will keep you stuck in unhelpful relational patterns with others.

20 years ago, I made a decision to heal my familial relationship – not with them, but within myself first.  The means to do so came through deep work, the support of my mentors and of my community.  And, as I coached others I healed. 

One of the outcomes of this work has been my sweetheart husband, Matt

I am far from done with the “real work” of relationship as I look into 2022.  Supporting the very people that made my healing journey necessary with an open and loving heart might be one of the most difficult things I’ve contemplated stepping into.

Why would I choose to support those who played a part in my wounding you may ask?

Why would I choose to support those who played a part in my wounding you may ask?

This relationship work I do is not just a job, Gorgeous. 


To prepare for this next level of Mastery I’m called into – now healing WITH my family –  I spent time yesterday in quiet meditation, pulled 12 cards for the year and created a vision board for 2022.

I invite you to do take time to quietly reflect how you are meant to consciously step into your relationships, familial included, this year.

I’ll share the 12-card pull process with you here to get you started:

  1. Create a quiet and sacred space where you’ll be uninterrupted.
  2. Set an intention for yourself
  3. Engage in meditation to both calm and clear your body and mind
  4. Pull 12 cards from your oracle deck, each representing a month of this year.
  5. Take a picture.
  6. Each month, pull the card out for that month, and place it where you can see it every day. 
  7. If you have a morning practice, include this question: How am I meant to honor the intention of this card today?
  8. Trust in what you receive as an answer.
  9. Watch how over the year, these 12 cards support you in navigating your relationships, love and life with more certainty and Grace.

Know I’m just a few steps ahead of you.

As we journey into this year together – in whatever that’s meant to look like for each of us – I remind you that you can handle it. 

(I say this to you, but also to myself)

And, if you feel you need more support, let’s talk.  I’m not certain how many new clients I’ll be taking on this year, but at the very least, we can connect to open the door wide for possibility.

In the meantime, I wish you well as we cross over.


May Love be your decision, now and always,
