It’s March. And a Full Moon.
This time should mark the beginning of the year. And yet, in 45 BC Julius Caesar implemented the “Julian calendar” moving it from March 1st to January 1st. We’ve been stuck celebrating beginnings in the dead of winter when we naturally want to slip into quiet contemplation.
This year I’ve consciously chosen to mark the beginning of 2023 now. It makes much more sense to me to follow a natural cycle of the seasons.
What have I done with myself and my business over the last few months you may ask?
Getting clarity through deep inquiry, art, journaling and upleveled self-care.
This does not assume inaction. I’ve deliberately slowed down, taken pause, allowed greater presence, felt into what’s emerging, connected and now, am getting ready to respond.
It’s time for action.
For me, this year looks like a Redefinition and Redesign of my Relational Coaching Business “Your Love by Design.” This is something I do not want to rush.
I am reminded of the performance director hired to support professional cyclists in the UK overcome their 100 year mediocrity slump back in the early 2000’s. His strategy was to break down everything that went into riding a bike. He then improved it by 1%, over time there would be a massive improvement, with small effort.
In a ten year span, British cyclists won 178 world championships, 66 Olympic or paralympic gold medals, and captured 5 Tour de France victories.
I appreciate this. More tortoise, less hare…
It is this approach what I like to refer to as “ALL is in the small” I am taking to this redesign. My sense in taking this tack, is that through the accumulation of conscious small improvements, there will be not only an acceleration in my results, but more impact and income.
As this March Full Moon illuminates your path, how do you wish to activate the energy of “ALL is in the small”?
Unsure? Let’s talk. Click the link below to apply for your Discovery Call. Let’s see if the work I do is a match for your investment in you: click here now.