518-727-5458 [email protected]

From Ghost to Ancestor

✨ “We are ghosts or we are ancestors in our children’s lives. We either lay our mistakes and our burdens upon them, and we haunt them as ghosts. Or, we assist them in laying those old burdens down, and we free them from the chains of our own flawed behavior, and as ancestors, we walk alongside of them, assisting them to find their own way, and some sense of transcendence.” ~ Bruce Springsteen ✨ 

This quote has been alive for me both personally and professionally over the last year. 

I’m not, typically, one to take advice from rock stars. But this reminded me of a promise I made to myself over 15 years ago:

“To the degree that I can and am ready for, I will not take with me any generational trauma, thoughts, beliefs, or behavior to the grave.”

As I redefined and redesigned Love for myself (which is ongoing work) to this promise was added:

“I will heal every wound that didn’t and did begin with me.  In doing so, I will lessen the burden on my son, on his children, and on the generations of children never to be met, as well as on the generations that came before me.”

These personal statement have been weaved into the very fabric of the Heart Coaching work done over the last 12 years.  

I could have built a business to simply address dating needs or partnership.  

Because my Heart Coaching work is a missive, a call, an imperative to heal, not only for me, or for my clients, but for the generations to come, and the planet they will be living upon – that simplicity could never have been part of the grand plan.

Deep down my coaching is about providing a road map to move from ghost to ancestor.  By using the crucible of relationships, you learn to free yourself from the chains of your “own flawed behavior” in service to the Legacy you leave behind. 

What choice in your relationships will you make today to shift yourself from ghost to ancestor?  

Let’s talk. Click here now. for your complimentary Discovery Call with me. Let’s see if the relationship work I do is a match for what you’re looking for.