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It may seem like dating and relationship advice is hard to come by, but maybe that is because you are not seeking out advice from the right people. Your friends and family are great, but maybe they aren’t the best ones to turn to when you need some honest advice. How about turning to a relationship expert.

00:34- About Joelle Lydon

  • Joëlle Lydon, MA, CPC is a coach, educator, artist and Highly Sensitive Leader.
  • Founder of Your Love by Design, a business that offers mentorship programs that help clarify personal and professional relationships, Joëlle uses training, brain-based creative processes and practical tools with individuals and groups to empower innovative problem-solving, self-navigation, creative expression and Relational Sovereignty.

00:50- About Your Love by Design

  • It is  an attempt to be able to serve and support both men and women, and being able to engage in relationships from their strengths.
  • I work with both men and women who are struggling with being able to sustain their relationships long term, both personally and professionally.

 05:11- The Seven-Step Love by Design Process

  • Agency: being able to support somebody in  taking personal responsibility for what they have co-created in their life, either professionally or personally.
  • Sovereignty: Begin the retraining process of the limiting beliefs that engendered the result in the first place.
  • Creativity: We humans are creative beings.
  • Desire: What do you want and  what is the outcome that you’re looking for.
  • Commitment: The commitment piece step is about continually making choices and actions.
  • Potentiality: once the commitment is made, then there’s an acceleration towards the potentiality of what is available to that individual.
  • Legacy: Legacy that they’re going to leave.

20:38- Three lessons

  • Awareness and understanding will only get you so far.
  • You  have the power to change the way you engage in the relationships that matter.
  • Relationship transportation is best done with an expert.

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